2008年7月20日 星期日

Dedicated to the dedicated.

You were in a relationship with running. A love/hate relationship. Running kicks you out of a warm and cosy bed into a cold hard world. Running calls you at all hours of the night. Running gets you up at the crack of dawn and keeps you at practice long after play has left the building. Every day with running is a question of your commitment. And running’s not afraid to ask. Yes my friend it is a complex and torrid affair. It is a constant balance, a balance between joy and pain, work and play, a balance between love and hate. Everything we do is geared toward tipping the balance.

1 則留言:

Ivy Ho 提到...

thanks for sharing. i love running all the time, but i wonder what is my desire and the destination . i have to keep running ..... i believe i can find the meaning finally.