2011年7月27日 星期三

A Dream Is Born

《A Dream is Born - 北川中學音樂分享會》



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「我們永不言棄 詮釋團結的力量
帶著彩虹般的夢 奔向遠方 」〈歌曲:We are Strong〉

合辦:北川中學.青年發展基金.MIFF (music is free foundation)

2011年7月24日 星期日


"Unless you love, your life will flash by." -The Tree Of Life

Seems like such beautiful words.

Wanted to put it on my profile status many times.

Couldn't do it.

Even if I love, will my life not flash by?

What is this "love" that will stop life flashing by?

After watching "The Tree Of Life"

Reminded us that everything is nothing but a flash.

Why so serious?

Since my life just flash by, do I still need to love?

No, there'll be no answer to this question.

At least today. There's no answer, for me.

"And it's hard to love

There's so much to hate

Hanging on to hope

When there's no hope to speak of" Praying for time, George Michael.

That is so true.

"I've read everything book

I've sung everything song

My mind may be right

By my heart feel so wrong

Which ways do the roads lead

Where do I belong" Could you be Messiah, Gary V.

Strangely this two songs' lyrics came into my mind as I wrote the above.

"I want somebody to care

For me passionately

My innermost thoughts

Know my intimate details

Someone who'll help me see things

In a different light


And when I must sleep

I want somebody

Who will put there arms around me kiss me tenderly" Somebody, Depeche Mode

I guess feeling safe is the key.

Why do I not feel safe?

Why do I not feel secure?

Is it my problem?

Or is it yours?

Glad to let these thoughts out of my head.

Thank you for reading.
