因為Vicky 馮穎琪的邀請,我們六個好朋友,Barry Chung, Gloria Tang, Timothy Chan, Lawrence Tsui, Anthony Sun 和我將會在Backstage表演,當日我們會玩一些我自己的歌,會玩一些Gloria的歌,也會玩一些其它人的歌。有the Beatles la, Gary Jules la, Rufus Wainwright la, Red Hot Chili Peppers la, Stereophonics la, 糯米團等等等等!!!!
票價:$180 (包兩杯飲品)
日期時間:April 12th Saturday 10:30pm-12:00am
地址:中環 52-54 威寧頓街 一樓
現在我正在忙於寫譜,有多些消息再會通知大家 :) 有任何問題可以留言給我或email我。
9 則留言:
已經加番啦, thank you!
April 12th Saturday 10:30pm-12:00am @ Backstage
You can get tickets @ door or reserve by calling them.
door sale & 訂飛都 ok, 不過跟據我自己的經驗, 最好就係打電話訂飛, 因為場地唔係好大, 到時滿座無得 door sale 就掃興喇! (雖然未必會發生, 不過有心去就訂定飛好 d!)~ :)
too bad i'm not in HK, i wanna listen to u guys play RHCP and the beatles ar!!! >_< (sighs~!) good show, and have fun! :)
太好了, 我應該會去聽架 ^^ 到時見
明天的表演, 俾心機呀!!!!!!!!
so how did it go? any photos / sharing? :)
Live show was excellent. dont want to leave...play till 1:30am!!!
I saw brotherhood, 默契, friendship, pro. live music performance.....& a cozzy BACKSTAGE!
Hey dear....I didn't upload those photos taken by my friend ar....send to your e-mail tonight, OK?