2008年12月16日 星期二

Unlocked 一年


6 則留言:

匿名 提到...

one of the best concert i've ever went!

Stupid Wailey 提到...

The Treasurable Moments! i can remember every minutes before and after, the red & warm Dec!

Adrian Tsing 程理高 提到...

And I remember clearly how hard we've worked in this concert and the album earlier that year. I also remember how MIFF was born and continue to grow throughout this year. MIFF is almost 1 year old, I sincerely wish it would grow strong and healthy, more people would be able to learn music and love music and enjoy through this 1 year old foundation.

匿名 提到...

one more time!

匿名 提到...


Adrian Tsing 程理高 提到...

Thanks, it will become true, and another concert will come, hopefully soon :)