2007年8月19日 星期日







4 則留言:

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Thanks for the HEART performance of Barry, Adrian, Lawrence, Anothny, & Alex Katsumata!!! You all excellent. Congraulation to Barry! Take some rest, and carry on great music!

匿名 提到...

Hey Adrian, you want distribution in GZ? I can help you on that, cos i'll be staying there for a while. Email/msn me if you want, cos I can't open this blog when I'm in GZ... not sure if it's blocked... And of course, reserve a copy of your new release for me lah! =)

As for Go Auntie, ah jar ah jar fighting! (meaning add oil ah!)

匿名 提到...

Thanks for singing that song in the concert!!! I really like the song~
Congratz to Barry here!!! the music was so touching!

匿名 提到...

i will go with 小敏 this sunday afternoon. may i also have your album? add oil! see you!