David got your disc for me la! Thanks thanks thanks!!! You went all the way to Tai Po and gave him the CDs? Yet, I could not listen to that until tomorrow... (TOO BAD!!!) I love the song "差錯" quite a lot!
I did ask him to send my regards to your mom... did he do so? Haha!!!
5 則留言:
Hi Adrian,
David got your disc for me la! Thanks thanks thanks!!! You went all the way to Tai Po and gave him the CDs? Yet, I could not listen to that until tomorrow... (TOO BAD!!!) I love the song "差錯" quite a lot!
I did ask him to send my regards to your mom... did he do so? Haha!!!
雖然你既夢想係靚既, 我都好支持有人夠膽咁做. 但係講真我聽過你網上既DEMO,你D音樂好行咋喎, 既無自己既風格(好似係時下流行曲裡面左抄一句右抄一句咁), 又無流行既元素(我唸起廿幾年前D電視劇主題曲), 加上你唱腔好似似五音不全咁唱聖詩, 感覺好似傳福音咁. 如果你真係有心起音樂創作方面, 不如先做好D歌, 再講咩夢想. 知道你有好多朋友支持你, 睇佢地既留言都覺得你地感情深厚, 但係平心而論, 你真係想要唔同既意見, 你最好問一D唔識你既人, 或者業界既人,希望你可以平心氣和咁接受唔同人既批評啦.
hmm... nice post.