2007年6月12日 星期二

My music, is Free.

This will be a long message. Please read patiently. (Chinese version is below.)

I had this thought for many years already. I had dreams where I could have concerts that anybody could come and listen to. It doesn't matter if you can afford it or not, you can come for certain only if you wish to come. You don't have to worry about money, all you need to have is the desire to attend.
The world might think music is a product, artist/musician is a product, you need to have a record company to back you up if you want yourself to become known. Though I have been in the advertising music business for almost 7 years now, I still have a hard time writing music with my heart and soul and sweat and tears and charging money for it afterwards (I'm talking about writing my own music here, I have no problem charging money for doing music as a job).
Don't get me wrong, I don't hate money. In fact, I'd like to be rich also. But, I just can't seem convinced to take money from people who just wants to listen to my music, who wants to get inspired by my music, or who wants to dwell in my music. I don't write music thinking of what the market needs, I write music that inspires me, I write music on topics that have touched me deeply. I write music on people who has walked in my life. I write, because I am inspired to write. Never from a market's point of view.
Of course, I don't disagree with people with a marketing plans on their albums, or how to make more money on their artists. It is totally alright. But as for me, I just wonder, could there be any other way to do this?

However, I had no idea how to make my dream come true.

Not until recently, this dream has revisited me as my album is about to finish. It's burning my heart, always asking what writing or performing music means to me. It won't make me rest, It won't make me stop thinking. I already have my “re-born” album made, it's done. I just need to launch it, but I need money to print the CD covers, I need money to burn CDs, all these I need money to do.

Then I've came up with this idea and wanna share with you all.

I will open a bank account, probably a HSBC account, I will post the account number on this blog, people who are interested to listen to this album are welcome to put money in it. You can put $1,000 in it, or you can put $1 in it, it really doesn't matter. When I have enough money to do this, I will start making the CDs, and everyone, no matter if you have put in money or not, you are welcome to have a copy (or more) of the CD just because you would like to have it. It's totally free. Get the idea?
I will post on this blog exactly how much money I need after I have all the figures. I will also post the bank statement every month on this blog so that everyone will see how much money is getting in. There will be no cheating here. There will be no confidentiality here. It's totally open for anyone to see.
Reply to me here so that I know there're people who read this message. All suggestions and thoughts are welcome. Please pass this to a lot of people, invite people to take part in this if you also share this dream. If you wish to share your views, please feel free to do so. If you would like to write to me or ask me on things personally, please write to adriantsingmusic@gmail.com. Please also leave your email address if you wish so I can contact you if I have events coming up.
Thank you, thank you for reading this and thank you for believing in my dream.

I wait for this dream to come true, patiently.

請不要誤會,我不是對錢有仇,我也希望可以有錢。但是,我一定要從喜歡我音樂的人身上拿錢嗎? 這一定是唯一的回報嗎?會有一些可能比金錢更珍貴的回報嗎?我從來不為市場需要而個人創作,我寫,因為有些事和人感動了我,有些人的故事觸動了我,我才寫。
我會開一個銀行戶口,我會將戶口number post 在我的blog上,有興趣聽這專輯的人可以放錢在這戶口裡面,一千元可以,一元也可以。當我有足夠的金錢後我便會印刷我的專輯。任何人,不管你有沒有放錢在這戶口,只要你想的話,你便可以擁有一隻專輯(多過一隻也可以)。
如果你有任何意見,你可以在這個message上reply我,或者如果你覺得你的朋友也會有興趣的話,你也可以send我的blog給他們。私人的口信可以send去這個email: adriantsingmusic@gmail.com.



18 則留言:

Ivy Ho 提到...

I believed your dream and you. It was amazing that you have great passion and courage to chasing the dream. I thought you knew that it will be a road with difficulties and set-backs, but 程理高, you can do it! Just do it. I'm always supporting to you.

匿名 提到...

作為你的好友,我當然沒有理由不去支持你追尋自己的夢想!相信你一定可以做到!努力!加油!!We will be definitely stand by you always!!!

匿名 提到...



Stupid Wailey 提到...

"........I love & believe in MUSIC! 流 行 古 典 樂 隊 傳 統 電 影 另 類 簡 單 粗 糙 … … 從 小 到 大 , 都 浸 在 有 音 樂 的 生 活 裡 ; 雖 然 天 資 有 限 , 未 能 手 口 唱 作 , 但 音 樂 巳 將 我 的 耳 仔 , 或 巳 將 「我」 塑 造 成 : 容 易 感 動 、 從 心 懷 出 發 、 懂 得 聆 聽 自 己 或 別 人 的 聲 音 、 懂 得 重 燃 熱 誠 … 這 是 最 抽 象 的 藝 術 , 也 能 將 自 己 右 腦 最 抽 象 的 感 覺 釋 放 , 可 以 無 邊 際 地 漫 遊 … 音 樂 巳 成 為 我 的............." http://stupidwailey.blogspot.com/2007/06/m.html

匿名 提到...


let's DO it & wait for THAT DAY!!! WOW~~~~~

p.s. 我們就是你的...... back up 吧 ⊙v⊙

Adrian Tsing 程理高 提到...

Thank you,thank you.Yes,it is possible,the dream is already happening,the dream is already coming,I can't wait for this day to come when everyone can listen to my music and come to my concerts just because you want to, simply you want to.Keep on dreaming!

匿名 提到...

altho, i dun quite agree w/ wut u r doing. but it's ur dream, and i'll support!
u know wut, i'm having a new dream!!

Adrian Tsing 程理高 提到...

Perry, what is your new dream? Wanna share more? btw, I wanna read "the conversations with God" again...so I can't lend it to you yet...SORRY!!! so you better go buy it yourself!

匿名 提到...

add oil~waiting for your account no.

匿名 提到...

hi..very touching message from your blog..i tried to reply on that but it didn't work.. so i decided to send this to say hi.. hope i'm not being scary..
wow..heaven't seen u n wailey or been to pengchau so long..i just found this blog..just know you moved.. time's really running quick @_@
about the idea..it's great i think..people who love your music wouldn't say no to "take part" in it.. including me..coz they've been longing for this album/or your concerts.. ..
god bless you..you are a goodhearted man..n yes please ..i do wish to have a copy of your third or fourth baby :)

cheers..this is ah-mai

匿名 提到...

go, i think ur idea will work, music can be free, the payment method can also be free, that's a great thinking! this method can be applied to ur concerts, ur other performances, albums, books, and many other works for urs. keep it up!
let us know the account number.

Stupid Wailey 提到...

用誠意得取誠意 ! :)
Have you heard about: (CC) Creative Commons - Some Right Reserved. See below linksss, i think this is similar to yr dream...


Man Yee 提到...

100% support!
The only thing is i am not in HK, so i may need to send you my cheque!
Also practise your autographe, i think you need to sign a lots very soon.
Can't wait to hear your new album!!!


匿名 提到...

support support support!
music should be free! waiting for your account! ^^
nice dream you got!

匿名 提到...

support u 4ever!!
let's go! do it! do what u want to do!

匿名 提到...

We are all searching for meaning in life.
Though each person will have one's own unique path, we can't do it on our own, we need others to support, encourage, confront, and inspire us. We need a community.
Inspiration is when you see somone who is willing to passionately commit to what he believes and put his dreams into action. Then, something magical will happen: one life is touched and transformed by another life. What is even more amazing is we are not working on our own dreams, we can participate in one another's dreams. Together we are building something greater than what we can achieve alone.
Go, thanks for inspiring me to pursue my dreams and thanks for inviting me to participate in your dreams.

匿名 提到...


匿名 提到...

adrian, my dream is kind of a long story. but to make it short, i actually wanna become an author. i wish we can have time and i can tell u the whole story~ but this is want i want to do now!
and add oil ar!